Try our Restoration Drip for Hydration and Recovery at The DRIPBaR
This drip is the perfect way to rehydrate and recover from a night out, poor sleep, travel, and any other activities that leave you feeling less-than-great.
Our Restoration IV Drip helps to:
- Accelerate rehydration and recovery
- Flush toxins out of the body
- Replenish Vitamin C, Magnesium, B12, B-Complex & Glutathione
Don’t have time for a full IV drip? Try IM Quick Shots to give your body a boost in just 5 minutes! We suggest:
IM Detoxed: Combat Free Radicals + Detox
Every day, our body absorbs a variety of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), toxic heavy metals, and pesticide-laced foods. Our IM Detoxed Shot works to combat free radicals through an infusion of powerful antioxidants, which can help neutralize those free radicals and get you back to feeling your best.